ego sum

[PT] Sou apenas uma pessoa curiosa, que quer continuar a aprender à medida que envelhece, adaptando-se ao tempo em que vive.

[FR] Je cultive la curiosité en tant que méthode d’aprentissage continue au long de la vie, pendant que le temps passe.

[EN] I’m just a curious person who tries to keep learning as age goes by.

I’m an islander, born and living in Madeira Island.

I’m the 5th of a group of 7 sisters and brothers, although unfortunately two of them passed away. My family is the most important pillar in my life, a tight bond. I try to keep the good principals my parents gave me, yet I try to be flexible to face the current life challenges. The solutions I find to solve my problems must comply to those basic family rules so that I can keep my own balance.

I’ve been married for 17 years but I’m now living by my own for 10 years and enjoying it. Living alone is not living in loneliness. Ageing is not a burden but a gift. The thing I value more is health. Friendship is the only long term relationship I believe in, even when it starts as love.

The most important thing in my professional life is the pleasure I have at work, the engagement with the company I work for, the human connections, the recognition I got and the friends I kept. Always worked as a secretary, where I put in action my professional and personal skills to help the teams to achieve their missions and goals.

I feel happy when I make a difference in somebody’s life.

I started this blog to complement my twitter activity for whenever 140 characters were not enough to share a thought. However, this blog is now much more than that to me, it allows me to improve my writing, to leave a public message, to share some emotions, to simply have fun. It also helps me feel more integrated in this new web 2.0 community  where everybody seems to have something to say, then why not taking the chance and give myself a public voice? So I started to write.

This blog is also a way to engage with my online community. The clicks and comments (or the lack of them) show me wether or not I’m being of any interest to them. This is also a new challenge, knowing that you’re part of a community of readers that can share with you their time, their attention and their evaluation.